Sunday, August 4, 2013

Little Misters birth in pictures

Little Mister's birth was just beautiful. I still can not come up with the words to describe it. So how about some pictures? My midwife and one of her apprentices took pictures of my labor. I am SO blessed to have pictures of this labor, since I have none from any of my other children.
One last belly picture in my kitchen. Just before being checked and being 8 cms.
The birth pool (before I hung pictures on the wall)
Some of the affirmations hung on the wall (and pictures the kids drew)
Checking my blood pressure before I got into the pool
The beginning of a contraction
 Breathing thru the contraction
Stephen supporting me
Working hard
A nice rest between contractions
Stephen went upstairs to get a straw for my water, and my mom stepped in for a contraction.
I love my mom
Checking Little Misters heartbeat while resting
and checking his heartbeat during a contraction
"300,000 women will be giving BIRTH with me today!!" You are NEVER alone.
Almost baby time. My midwife, waiting patiently, hands off, letting me labor.
My mom waiting too.
He's BORN!
Getting a good look at him, and my midwife checking him out.
Daddy checking him out.
I love Brenda's (my midwife) face in this picture.
Checking him out
Washing him off a little
And daddy gets to hold him for the first time.
We moved upstairs to my bath tub for an herbal sitz bath.
Nursing. And probably pooping on me.
Still nursing
Look how freaking cute he is!!
 In love already
Finally settled in my bed.
Daddy joined us
Nursing again.
And his official birth weight: 8 lbs 10 ozs. My biggest baby yet.
Checking him over to make sure he is healthy
Daddy being.... well, Daddy. He's quite silly
My mom and us
And my lovely birth team

Saturday, July 27, 2013

LIttle Mister's birth story.

**this story has been the hardest for me to tell. It was the perfect birth, but for some reason the words are not coming to me**

We have had the birth pool blown up and everything set up in the basement for a few weeks. Waiting on the arrival of our last child. A little boy. A planned home birth. Excitement and fear. Anticipation. Readiness.

7/17/2013 5:30 am

Still 5-6 days away from when I thought this baby was going to be born, I was woken up with contractions. I could tell the intensity had changed from the regular Braxton Hicks contractions that had plagued me for the past few weeks. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee. I paced back and forth wondering if this was "it" or just more practice contractions. I decided to start timing them to see what they were doing, but I assumed that they would stop and I could go back to bed. They were coming consistently every 4 minutes lasting about 50 seconds each. I timed a few and decided to fill the bath tub and get in to see if they would stop. I went back and forth with this decision, because I was scared if they were real, that the baby could be born in the tub like Little Miracle was, and also if they were real, I would need the hot water to fill the birth pool in the basement. But I threw caution to the wind, assumed they were practice contractions, and got into the tub.

6:45 am

They kept coming every 4 minutes. Knowing the kids would be up soon, I woke Stephen up around and told him something was up. I was still unsure if I was in labor or not but I wanted him to know what was going on. I got out of the tub and decided to call my midwife to let her know what was going on, and since I deliver so fast, she decided to head my way.

7:00 am

The boys woke up and I stopped timing contractions and went into mommy mode. Boys had to eat breakfast. I called my mom to give her a heads up that she may need to come help with the kids. I also texted a friend to see if she could take the kids to vacation Bible school for me since I was unsure what was going on. My friend said she would take them for me, so I made them get dressed. I ate a banana and some peanuts. At one point I ran upstairs to get something. I was going back and forth as to if I should fill the pool or not, but I had a contraction in the middle of the stairs that stopped me in my tracks so I decided to start filling the pool. I went into the basement and lined the pool and started the hose to fill it.

7:30 am

My midwife arrived. A very welcome sight. She brought in her equipment and started setting it all up in the basement. She noticed my contractions and said I was coping well still. I told her that I was this way until just before Little Miss was born.

8 am

My midwife asked if I wanted to be checked. I wanted to, partly because I was still not sure if I was actually in labor. We went upstairs to my bed and she checked me. 100% effaced and 8 cms. I was in labor! We were going to have a baby that day! I came down stairs and told Stephen that baby was coming!

At some point my friend showed up and got the kids out the door. I told them that their brother was coming and I would see them after VBS. I called my mom again and told her that the kids were taken care of so she did not have to worry about coming to watch them. She asked me if she could still come over, and I said sure! After I got off the phone with mom, I went to the basement and got into the pool.

8:30 am

The warm water was so nice and the atmosphere was perfect. The lights were dimmed, candles lit, curtains opened to let the morning sun in. Affirmations hung on the walls with drawings that the other kids had made for this baby. Stephen got some music playing quietly and I had a few contractions while in the water. Everything was so nice. The contractions were still not too strong, and I was feeling great. Very relaxed.

My mom got there and joined us in the basement. Contractions started to pick up. Still not too bad, but I leaned on the side of the pool into Stephens arms to breathe thru them. I was so thirsty and kept asking for my water to drink. Stephen had to run upstairs to get me a straw, and my mom stepped in and held onto me thru a contraction.

My contractions were getting very strong and harder to breathe thru. I could tell he was coming soon. I was on my hands and knees in the water breathing and mooning thru them. I started to feel pushy, and went with what my body was telling me to do.

8:54 am

I started pushing. I remember the break between contractions being so nice. I pushed thru about 3 contractions and felt my water break. I knew he was almost here. The next contraction his head come out, and the next thing I know my midwife is telling me that he was coming under me and to bring him up to me. I looked down and he was in the water! I grabbed him and pulled him up to my chest, flipping from my hands and knees and into a sitting position.

I looked at him. He looked JUST like my father in law and had a FULL head of hair! He was beautiful. Born at 9:01.

The next few minutes were spent snuggling, loving and staring at him. I got him to nurse and delivered the placenta. After that, I got out of the tub and went upstairs to my bed. The midwife had filled my bathtub upstairs with an herbal bath so we climbed in. He nursed some more and even pooped on me. Several times.

My midwifes apprentice cooked Stephen and I breakfast, so when I got out of the tub I crawled into bed and ate eggs, toast and fruit. So nice to eat right after having a baby. As I was eating they weighed him. 8 lbs 10 ounces!! I was in shock! My biggest baby was 8 lbs 3 ozs, and the boys were both 7 lbs 5 ozs so I did not expect this baby to be that big.

After he was weighed, he was brought to me and they did the newborn exam while he was laying on my chest. Everything was perfect. 10 fingers and 10 toes (and a LOT more things checked). After that, my minor tear was sewn up (he was born with a hand at his face) and we were tucked into bed. My midwife and her apprentices cleaned up and left. It was SO nice to be home and in MY bed.

12:30 pm

The kids came home shortly after the midwife left. They were in love with their brother as soon as they saw him.

His birth was everything I have wanted in the last 3 births. Everything I searched and researched for. It was.... perfect.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We have a gender!

We went last week to our gender ultrasound. We opted to do it at 16 weeks at a 3d place to find out early. The ultrasound was less than 5 minutes, and when they got to check the gender, I covered my eyes. You see, we had the ultrasound tech call my sister, who is also a photographer, and tell her the gender. My sister then filled a massive piñata that I had made with pink or blue confetti and candy. We took it to a local park to open up and reveal the gender. It was really fun!


The moment we opened it and it dawned on us what the color coming out meant


Ladies and gentlemen, we have another boy coming! Little Mister will be here late July.

Head over to my sisters blog, Shot From The Heart Photography to see the rest of the pictures!


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Why hello blog world. I have missed you. And do I have the news for you!! Little Man is 5. Holy cow!! When did that happen?? We are trying to figure out what to do for schooling for next year. He will start kindergarten! He LOVES preschool and has learned so much there! We didn't do any sports with him this year, since he liked soccer practice, but not the games. He is talking about wanting to do soccer again, and we may try again soon. He is also about to start speech. He has been having some troubles pronouncing words, so we got him evaluated, and sure enough, he needs some help. The earlier the better, so we are doing that now.


The boys went ziplining in early November

Little Miracle is 3! He also LOVES preschool. He already knew most of what they are working on in his class, but he loves his little friends. He has no interest in sports. We just last week turned him forward facing in his car seat! I cant believe he is FINALLY big enough! He sleeps in a big boy bed, in his brothers room (now known as the boys room)and is completely potty trained.



Little Miss. Oh my. She is almost 18 months. She is walking, talking and has become a toddler overnight. She sleeps most nights and is still the easiest going child we have ever had.


She has gotten SO big!

And all that news I keep talking about? Well, we were surprised by another baby!! I found out in November that baby #4 is on the way! I am due in July and PLANNING a home birth this time! We are all excited to be adding to our family again (and also for the last time). The boys both want another brother, but I think Little Miss needs a sister. We will find out the gender this time, since we got rid of our baby stuff after Little Miss was born.


12 weeks!

Stephen is still working HARD and I am still staying home and chasing kiddos all day. I am going to be blogging a little more now that we have another Little Bean on the way. I will blog about our birthing plans, and of course, once the baby comes, another birth story! Those seem to be the favorite posts!!

