Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things I Say Daily

Ok. Most of us have seen this video by now, if not, watch this first.

Well, I decided to write down everything I say in a day. I did great for about 20 minutes. Then I got distracted! So here is what all I wrote down in those 20 minutes, then randomly throughout the day when I remembered to write it down. Don't worry, I'm not singing!

Good Morning
Wet boy!
Phew….Stinky boy!
Lets get clean

Eat? Milk?
Eat your breakfast

Don’t throw your food on the floor

Messy boy, lets get clean

Go play
In your playroom

Where is your ball?
Go get your ball?

Get off the stairs
You are in timeout because you did not get off the stairs when mommy asked you to

You were in timeout because you did not get off the stairs. We do not play on the stairs. I love you

Let’s go play

Get the sticker off my table

Leave my purse alone

Where is your milk?

Don’t throw toys

Ball, ball, ball… say ball…. BAH-ALL BAH-ALL BAH-ALL… say ball…

Dance… dance dance dance… YEA good job

The Itsy Bitsy Spider…. Went up the water spout…. (singing)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes…. (more singing)

Where is your belly button? Button? Good job…
Eyes? YEA!!
Nose? Nose… yes, nose
Ears? Ears… No… those are Mommy's eyes…

Toilet brush is not a toy. Out of the bathroom… OUT OUT OUT

No no…. no … no

Are you ready for a nap? Night night??

Dry it up. No tempers.

Hey. Dry it up!

Let’s go play. Come on.

Trash man is here! Lets go watch him. Here he goes. LOOK at him! Wave bye-bye!

Let’s go upstairs. Night night.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine……. You make me happy …. When skies are grey….. (more singing)

I love you. Night night

45 minutes is not a nap!

Ew stinky. Lets get clean.

What do you want to eat for lunch?
Eat your lunch.
Milk? Want milk?
Don’t throw your food on the floor.

Messy boy! Lets get clean

Go play.

What are you doing?

Get down! Off the table.

No no. Don’t turn off the ….

Turn the tv back on

NO! Leave the cabinet alone

Cranky boy. Want to go back to bed? How about some Tylenol? You teething?

Shut the cabinet… Good job.

Daddy will be home in 2 hours.

No No… Put the movie back on the shelf.

Where is Daddy? Say Dada… DADA… DADA… good job!!

Leave Mommies shoes alone!

Wanna help mommy fold laundry?
Don’t play with the dryer door.
NO. Open the dryer
Get out of the dryer
Go play and let mommy do laundry

Where is daddy? You think he is coming home?

Dry it up! No tempers!!


1 comment:

Gabriele said...

LOL, too cute! They are so much fun when they are toddlers :P