Friday, January 8, 2010


Living in Atlanta, we hardley ever get snow. It hardley ever gets under 32 for more than a day! This past week has been different. It has been in the teens and 20's all week, and yesterday we got SNOW!!!

The flurries started shortly after I put Little Man down for a nap. This is what greeted me when I went to get the mail. Tiny flakes just starting to stick.


It started really coming down a few hours later.


Little Man woke up, and pointed outside. He was not too sure about what it was! I told him it was snow, and he said "snowman". He has a snowman toy, and we have been pointing them out in books, so he put the two together. Too bad there is not enough snow to make a snowman! Well, a good one anyway!


I think the snow will stick around for a while since it is 16 degrees out there today!


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