Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

*typing while nursing a baby, so pardon any typos*

I can't believe 2009 is almost over. It was one hell of a year.

In January we were still dealing with the molar pregnancy.

In February, we found out that Stephen's job was gone in south Georgia, and that we would be moving to Atlanta again.

In March we were cleared from the molar pregnancy, and given the go ahead to try again for a baby. We conceived Little Miracle that night, and found out about him a few weeks later.

We moved in April, and put in the offer on our house in the beginning of May.

In June we had our NT scan and found out about the possibility that Little Miracle may have had Down Syndrome. When my blood work came back with a high possibility that he did have it, I got worried. We also found out that Little Miracle was a boy in June.

July brought the health ultrasound for Little Miracle that told us he was most likely healthy.

In August I decided to have a natural water birth, and we got into the car accident.

September FINALLY brought us our house closing!

October was Halloween and moving into the house. We also moved Little Man to his big boy bed, and into his own room.

November was Thanksgiving, organizing the house and getting ready for Little Miracle.

December. Wow. What can I say? Little Miracle decided to be born at home, and since then we have been trying to adjust to life as parents of two!

What a year! I am glad it is almost over. We have no "big plans" for tonight. Being parents of a newborn, it's too hard to get out. Plus, I need my sleep!

Look for my goals and plans for 2010 in a new post!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you have had a very exciting year!! Congratulations on your miracle baby!!! I am a new follower and look forward to seeing more posts from you!! :)