Monday, November 22, 2010


Today I am over thankful for my mother.

When we lived in south Georgia, I only got to see her a handful of times a year. She missed seeing a lot of Little Man's milestones and basic growing up.

Now we live 4 miles from her.

I am beyond grateful for her.

Today I was tasked with grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. We had no plans for Thanksgiving until yesterday when my mother-in-law decided that she wanted someone to cook. Not that I mind, but I was volunteered to cook.

I called my mom and asked if she could tag along (read help me with the kids) with the grocery shopping. She is always more that willing to help me out.

Her help in the grocery store today was ... invaluable. Little Miracle was happily strapped to my chest but Little Man, becoming fiercely independent wanted to walk by himself. This lasted for a few aisles. Then he got bored and wanted to run around and play. The final straw was when he climbed into the toilet paper display and disappeared. Into the cart he went.

Little Man was either trying to get out of the cart or was trying to throw everything outside of the cart. This is where my mom is genius. My mom showed him how to stack the cans and boxes and then do what every little boy loves to do, knock them down. When that got old, she showed him how to put the brown sugar under his shirt and be Santa Clause. All from the cart. This amused him long enough for me to finish shopping and get out of the store.

When we were done with grocery shopping and finally home, she fed Little Miracle for me while I unloaded groceries, she forced me to eat lunch since I was about to skip it and she watched a movie with Little Man when he decided to skip his nap.

After Little Miracle napped we headed back out for more errands. She makes running errands with two small children so much easier. She will sit in the car while I run in and get what I need. Granted, she will do this for the short stops, if it is a longer stop, we all go in. When I get back to the car, Little Man tells me about the games they played when I was gone.

Tonight we even went over to her house while I was waiting on Stephen to get off of work. She got down on the floor and played with trains and cars and Little Man. She held Little Miracle trying to calm him down while I was working on a hair bow.

She is truly priceless to me. Today would have been a disaster if I had not had her help. I only wish I could find the words to show just how grateful I am for her. I am so glad we are living close to her again. I missed her!


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